Monday, July 31, 2006

Intro and UFO appraisal list

Hi everyone!
I'm glad for the opportunity to evaluate my WIPs/UFOs as I've been thinking about doing this lately. In the works I have:
Silk Corset (barely begun but I love it in Cash Iroha)
Twisted Float Jacket (just begun and I may rethink this as the twisted float knitting stinks! In Malabrigo)
Matilda Jane (one and one half sleeve to go in Silky Wool)
Pomatomous (one pattern repeat on each cuff completed in handdyed merino)
Jaywalker (one sock that needs to be frogged so it fits over my heel in Knitpicks)
Janet Shawl Shrug (barely begun in Linen Drape)
Footies (Oh, 40% complete? in local wool)
Rose Necklace (80%? in wool/alpaca scraps)

Good luck to us all!

Going where no UFO has gone before...

OKay, not really. :)

My name is Manda, and I'm going to finish some stuff this month. I PROMISE. Below is my list. I'm not sure how I need to prioritize these, but I'm a member of the Monthly Dishcloth KAL, and I know I'll be finishing 2 dishcloths during the month, since they do two a month. You can also find me on my knitting blog at

1) Jaywalkers socks - I love this pattern. But I only love it for the first sock. Even if I cast on for the second sock, I don’t love it. Even if I’m knitting it in STR in a gorgeous colorway, I hate the 2nd sock. This is my main project. I’m actually about an inch away from starting the heel flap, so hopefully… hopefully.

2) To Bobble or Not To Bobble - I’m so tired of working on this. So tired of it, that I haven’t worked on it. I’m going to rip it out. Maybe I’ll use the yarn for face cloths.

3) Ombre Afghan from Last Minute Knitted Gifts - August marks the 1 year anniversary of when I started that damn thing. I know it’s too hot to work on it, but with August being Neutrals month for Project Spectrum, I really hope to make a huge dent, if not finish the rest of this thing. This project is a gift for my fiancee (I was worried about the Sweater curse, since I started it before we were engaged. I've missed Christmas and his birthday, and I'm hoping to have it for him this Christmas. *lol*

4) Co-Worker Baby Afghan - It’s a Log cabin design courtesy of MDK. I really need to get re-started on this thing. I think I’m using too big needles, and I want to restart it. I have a deadline of the end of October (assuming she delivers on time), but I'd love to finish it before that.

5) Ribby Cardi - Loving this pattern. I really want to finish it so I have something spiffy to wear. I'm about 6 inches into the back piece.

6) Tempting II - Loving this pattern as well, and I also want to finish it so I can wear it already. I think I'm 7 inches into it.

7) Lady Eleanor - I love working on this when I have time, but I’ve been distracted by other things. This is what happen when you have startitis. I've completed 9 or 10 tiers so far.

8) Mystery Stole 2006 - I don’t know that I’ll finish this in August, but I really want to work on it more than I have lately. I'm halfway through the first run of Clue #2

9) Plain Socks on 2 Circs - I don’t care if I finish these. I might actually end up ripping them out as well. I’m just feeling the yarn at this point in time. It doesn’t want to be turned into anything right now.

Misc #1 & #2) As part of the Monthly Dishcloth KAL, we knit two dishcloths a month at pace of a few rows a day. I like knitting these, because I can knit the few rows that are given out and I can put it away and work on it the next day. These haven't been started yet (one on August 1st, and one on the 15th or 16th).

Paring Down

Facing this is tough! I can't believe how many knitting projects I have going on. I've only been knitting for just over a year!!! I have got to get this under control so that I can next tackle my cross stitch and other needlework UFOs.

I have been keeping a journal of sorts of my knitting projects, so I do know how many I have. I've just spent the last half hour going over it and deleting the projects that just don't appeal to me - the benefit of knitting projects mostly for me rather than others I guess! (Jeanie, if I hadn't done this, we would be very, very close in number)

So here's what's left:

1. "Sweet Thing" Shawl. Don't know the real name of this pattern. Its just a simple shawl that a friend made for her son's new girlfriend (aka "Sweet Thing"). I liked it so much, I had to make one. I think I am about a third complete on this.

2. Lotus Blossom Tank. On the second repeat of the lace motif.

3. Mystery Stole 2

4. Airy Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts. This is the project that lives in my office. I work on it when I don't remember to bring a project with me and I miraculously have time to knit at lunch.

5. Modified Sophie Bag. Done except the i-cord straps, planned to be the mindless project for my road trip in a few weeks. Hoping when I teach my mom how to do i-cord, she will work up one of the straps!

6. Traveling Vines Scarf (from About a third of the way on this one.

7. Cindy Sweater (Berocco). Miles of garter stitch to go. Miles.

8. Socks. Heading for the toe of the first one.

9. Dagmar. Which isn't knitting, but a hairpin lace project from Berocco. About halfway through.

10. Is not started yet, but will be. A lap blanket for my grandmother.

I've got several more that are being contemplated for "the winder" so I'll add them if they receive a reprieve this week!

Looking forward to seeing everyone's progress!

Full Disclosure!

Okay, I finally got around to gathering up all (I think) of my UFO's.

For your viewing enjoyment, here ya go!

What??? Not close enough???

Try this then --be sure to maximize!

For those of you who still can't see all the different names of my UFO's and for those who are "list people", I aim to please...

  • Carnival Throw (AKA Rowan's Carnival Shawl -- Rowan's Classic Holiday Book 3)
  • Top Down Cabled Sweater (designed by me - click here for pic)
  • Silk Corset Top (Annie Modesitt)
  • Sweater from some magazine (will have to look to see if I can still find the pattern)
  • Interweave Crochet Lace Dress (PDF)
  • Green summer top from another MIA magazine (will probably get frogged)
  • Pink Sweater (Cast-On magazine - click here for pic)
  • Same Pink Sweater in green (Cast-On magazine)
  • Clapotis (
  • Black Felted Noni Bag ( - click here for pic)
  • Flower Basket Shawl (Interweave Knits Fall 04 - click here for pic)
  • Bamboo-ina (Orangina in SWTC Bamboo yarn)
  • Garter stitch scarf in Baby Alpaca
  • Klaralund II out of Lion Brand Homespun -- (Cornelia Tuttle Hamilton/Noro Book 2)
  • Fad Classic (Knit and Tonic)
  • Patons Retro Crocheted Summer Top (Patons Heat Wave pattern book - click here for pic)
  • Patons Tweed Turtleneck Sweater (Patons Chunky Knits -- click here for pic)
  • Jessica Simpson Crocheted Shawl out of TLC Amore (click here for pic)
  • Jessica Simpson Crocheted Shawl out of Bernat Cotton Tots
  • Patons Easy Street Sweater out of Lion Brand Wool-Ease Chunky (Patons Street Smart)
  • Patons Easy Street Sweater out of Patons Shetland Chunky (Patons Street Smart)
  • Socks, Socks, Socks, Socks, Socks....... oy.

I have no idea what order I'll complete these UFO's, although since the Carnival Throw is laying in the middle of the living room floor waiting to be seamed, I'll probably start with that. Also, several of the sweaters I started when I first learned how to knit so I figure my tension is probably way different now than it was then... so those may be impossible to complete properly and may end up getting frogged (even though I still like the patterns). Also, the Easy Street Sweaters were knit without me having a clue about gauge (again, beginner knitting days) so I may end up frogging those as well (although I hope not).

The socks, I have no excuse for except that I have sock yarn ADD. I just can't wait to see what the next sock yarn's going to look like when knit up. I'm sick, I know. I did email Lolly to see if she plans to host another Socktoberfest this year so that I could decide if I wanted to wait to work on my socks during Socktoberfest or during UFO August, and since she does indeed plan to host another one, I've decided my socks (or most of them) will wait 'till then. That way I can focus on all my other UFO's!

So there you have it! My fully disclosed UFO list. It's not pretty, I know. But now you know why I KNEW I had to dedicate a whole month to finishing UFO's. And I don't know about y'all, but just compiling the UFO list already makes me feel just a little closer to finishing those pesky UFO's!

Okay, y'all can stop laughing now ;-)

Edited To Add: I think I win the award for having the MOST UFO's!!!

O my word, I'm going to FINISH this stuff!

Hi all. Okay. I've been in a full speed ahead mode for awhile...spinning, dyeing, spinning, dyeing. I have so many projects planned that I'm filling notebooks with designs. And that's GREAT! But...

I have these niggling brain itches every time I walk past my big baskets of wool. It's the UFOs sending out their rays...

So, here we go. Promises to keep. I'm good at that. I'm promising to finish all this stuff before busting out another set of needles. (Or before I buy another set because all the sizes that would work are already laying neatly inside stitches, somewhere, in some basket.)

When I look at some of y'all's lists, I feel almost relieved. But, then, I opened up some of the UFOs and realized...HOLY HOOTIS! I HAVE A LOT OF WORK TO DO!

1. Current project, and easiest to finish. The completion of which will therefore give me the confidence to continue on. Da da da daaaaaaaaa! From the Baudelaire KAL - a pair of Baudelaires. I'm almost done with sock #1.

2. OTN since May...a big sweater, my design, my handspun...the idea was to use up some ancient roving that I bought from an old boss's wife back in the Santa Barbara area in 1982. I'm spinning as I go...which leads to some interesting thick and thin areas. I'm also blending brown shetland with creamy california. I want this done NOW.

3. OTN since 1994, a big boxy sweater, my design, multi colored, my handspun that I "naturally" dyed. It's so soft and yummy, I can't believe that I haven't finished it yet. Oh, yeah. I've only completed about 5" of the back. Yeah. Ahem. That's why. This project and #5 were put down, actually put into storage, when my mom died and I moved from California back East. Never picked 'em back up.

4. 2005 Round Squares Blanket. I had this vision of a fabric made of Wild Red Round Squares. These are crocheted. But, there will be plenty of knitting involved in the borders/edges. Reason for not completing: Got a puppy last October who really really loved the crazy dangly novelty yarns that are used to "decorate" the Wild Red Round Squares. He's big now. He leaves my wool alone. Oh...he does love to sniff that big box of raw/dirty fleece, he's a blue heeler after all. I'm teaching him to knit. All in due time.

5. OTN since 1994, another big boxy sweater, my design, manymanymany colors and textures. It's mostly my handdyed/handspun. Some commercially prepared fiber. I made a coat for my Ma using this motif as part of the design. Then, someone showed me a Kaffe Fasset book, and lo! He stole my eggs! Could it be that great minds think alike? HA! Anyway, I have about 12" done on the back. This is a DAUNTING project.

So, that's it for moi. I feel like an alcoholic just coming clean in an AA meeting. I'm admitting it. I need help finishing these UFOs. I, Elle, am a UFO breeder. With your support, I will change! I WILL! I WILL!

Sunday, July 30, 2006


What a great idea this is!

Here's my list:

1. Icarus
Although this is not actually a UFO but rather a WIP, I am listing it here because it is my first priority and really finishing it is a prophylactic if it is not to become a UFO. I need to knit the final row of the edging, do the bind-off, and block. I hope to finish it by Tuesday’s knitting group so I can hold it up at show-and-tell.

2. Linen Feather-and-Fan Shawl
I love the way this project looks, but it does not always feel so wonderful to knit. The linen yarn (coupled with my grandmother’s old and very slippery needles) is unforgiving and frustrating. I put it aside a couple of months ago with just another foot or so to knit. As soon as Icarus is finished, the next skein of Euroflax gets put into the ballwinder. The shawl will be my mother’s holiday present.

3. Irish Hiking Scarf
I recently started this as a car-and-meeting project but keep frowning at it and wondering if I shouldn’t just cast on something else. I love the looks of the scarf and know it will be perfect for my father for his holiday present, but I cannot imagine knitting it right now. (I am promising to work on it as the car-and-meeting project, not necessarily finish it before the next objects.)

4. Must Have Cardigan
I began this in March and quickly finished all the pieces and bought the buttons. Then I stuck it in my knitting basket because I chickened out of picking up all those stitches for the button band….

5. Blue Socks
I’ve finished one down to the grafting at the toes and the second down to the point to pick up stitches around the foot. They are knit with relatively large sock yarn on size 4 needles and I’m not crazy about the way they fit. The real reason I put them down, though, is that I dropped a DPN while car knitting. I’ve now replaced it, but I still haven’t picked up the sock….

6. Pi Shawl
This is the project that should be on the top. The reason it is now a UFO is pure fear. I’ve finished all the around-and-around and just have the lace edging to do—which I have tried several times and keep making mistakes and frogging the border. I started the Pi while my father was in surgery and it means a lot to me. (He’s currently going through radiation and chemo and ideally I could finish this project right as he’s finishing his treatments early this fall.)

7. Laura Ingalls shawl
A holiday present for a young friend. All it needs is a decision about bordering (fringe? plain?), having its ends sewn in, and a good block.

8. Birthday Bunnies in Ballarina Suits (both due in the early fall)--both have sweaters almost finished, shoes knit, wool stuffing bought, and tulle bought. Neither actually has a bunny.

9. Birthday Fairytale Mice (both due in the late fall)--both sets of two (for a total of four mice) with some of their clothes knit but without shirts and without mice.

And when at least some of these are done, I am allowed to cast on a new lace project, a new cable project, and my first colorwork project! Plus maybe a really quick bulky sweater, and of course more socks, and maybe some more fingerless mitts for holiday presents for friends. And of course, some hats and scarves made from my homespun. And, and....

My blog has pictures and history on these projects. Feel free to stop by!

Good luck to all the participants! We can do it!

Clearing the Slate

I had great plans for what I'd accomplish during Summer of Stash - tank tops, a couple blankets, socks and dishcloths galore - but as usual, my procrastinating got in the way. I already had so many things lingering on the needles it seemed foolhearty to start more. I've left it too long to do much about that, so my new goal is to clear out the UFO closet so, come Labor Day, I can dive into the Christmas knitting with full abandon!

  1. Stash Buster Log Cabin Lapghan - 80% done. One last round and then the border, but the big chore will be weaving in ends - something I'm ashamed to say I haven't even started yet.
  2. Absorba, the Great Bathmat (from Mason-Dixon Knitting) - 70% done. I have to pace myself so that the weight of it (4 strands of worsted on size 15 needles) doesn't do my wrists in, but it's still moving along quickly.
  3. Twisted Socks - 55% done. I'm one of the slowest knitters ever with ribbing. These have been on the needles since January!
  4. Neopolitan Socks - 40% done. I hate to do it but to the frog pond must this go. Some yarns are not meant for socks.
  5. Irish Hiking Wristwarmers - 95% done. These were prematurely pronounced done! back in March, but second one has still not been seamed.
  6. SS Quick Shrug - 30% done. Another frog-ee. Will become a baby blanket.
  7. Patons Voodoo Legwarmers - 40% done. Silly furry things for stomping around the house in. One done but not seamed.
  8. Wool-Ease Legwarmers - 40% done. My messy first attempt at writing a pattern. Will probably be frogged and started again.
  9. Turtleneck Shrug (from Scarf Style) - 5% done. More endless ribbing. I'm not happy with the Inox circular this is on now. Waiting to find a better needle for magic loop. I have hopes for Knit Picks' Options needles, but I can't order them just yet.

There's also a few crafty but not knitty projects I'd like to see over and done with such as a simple crochet scarf, a felted bag than needs lining, and an ex-Goodwill sweater that needs some TLC, but the knitting stuff will take first priority.


Tackling My UFOs

Here's my list of UFOs in order of need-to-complete importance. It's actually a partial list. I have a feeling that there are more projects hiding in closets or under beds. I think I need a UFO August through December. Anyway, here goes:

  1. Honeymoon cami -- This is a barter that I did for some coaching. My coaching is finished, but the cami is not.
  2. OSSP gift -- This needs to be sent by the end of August. I don't even know what I'm going to make yet.
  3. Aran braid sock -- I have about 1 inch of the ribbing done on the second sock for my mom.
  4. Chevron striped sock -- One sock is completed and about 3 inches into the second sock.
  5. Boys cardi -- I started this about 4 years ago for my son. He's now 11, so it'll have to be for his little brother. All that's left is the seaming and top-stitching.

Yay for UFO August!

I'm in! I have started buying yarn for my fall knits already. And I told myself I would finish up my UFOs before starting them.

Here is my priority list:

1. KSKS Swap
2. Baby Kimono from MDK
3. Blanket for my Son (aka Young Man)
4. Orangina
5. Sizzle

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Exactly What I Need!

I am grateful that knitting doesn't get dusty! I need more than one month to finish my UFOs, but this is a great start. For example, after finding out about this group, I cast on for something new--a log cabin afghan.

Here's my list:
1. Bombshell from Big Girl Knits: I am so close to being done, but am frustrated with this project right now. It's not complicated, but I have frogged so many times.

2. A teddy bear for my mother: she bought the yarn for me about 15 months ago! I haven't cast on yet, but I promised her I would finally make it this month.

3. Shapely Tee from White Lies Designs: I think I'm almost finished with this, but it's been sitting in the basket for at least a year. I'm not sure why I stalled on this one.

4. Samus from last winter's Knitty. I need to do the sleeves and finishing.

5. Jaywalker socks: one cuff done.

6. Log cabin blanket I started tonight after being inspired by Gee's Bend Quilts: something I've wanted to do for awhile as part of my Summer of De-Stashing

7. Mittens for kids: 1 done; its mate is on the needles

Three Cheers for UFO August!

What a great way to end the summer - cleaning out my knitting bags of all the UFO's that have accumulated. I swear they multiply at night!

Here is my list:
1. Socks from "Greetings from the Knit Cafe" - one done, one cast on.
2. Widdershins socks from Knitty - both cast on, about 2 inches of each toe is complete.
3. Lace socks (on size ZERO's) from Spring IK. One cuff is cast on.

I think there is a pattern here! There are a couple of sweaters laying around here as well... it is not all socks!

4. Cabled Sweater from Debbie Bliss - it has been too hot to knit with Alpaca Silk! Back is complete, front is started, no sleeves yet.
5. Vest from Rowan in Summer Tweed - half way done with this
6. Soleil from Knitty - I am about 1/2 done with this as well.

I am ready and raring to go on finishing up these UFO's!

My List

I'm so glad we're all doing this! It will be great. I've been wanting to do this anyway, and you all will motivate me. I don't have a lot of UFO's, just really need to get them done before I move onto Fall projects. The ones I have are really "bugging" me - so I need to either finish them up or rip them out and give up.

1. Finishing Simply Lovely (Lacey) IW socks that I started in a class a month ago.
2. Finishing a felted purse that I started a couple of weeks ago
3. Finishing the second of a pair of orange striped socks that I started in early June and had some trouble with sizing on my foot.
4. Finishing a "Dr. Who" scarf from Sally Melville's KNITTING EXPERIENCE that I started last summer. I would love this scarf if I ever finished it, but it's boring garter stitch.
5. Finishing a Freeform vest that I started fast February
6. Finishing (or trashing) a Crayon Box Jacket that I started in March of 2005. The problem is it's in pastel Easter Egg colors that I will likely not wear. What was I thinking? Either I need to give up on this entirely and trash it, or else get moving on it.

Friday, July 28, 2006

A small list, but it needs to get done!

Hi everyone,

I'm really happy to have joined this "knitalong". I had already planned on finishing my projects before starting anything new and I'm glad to know others are doing it too.

I don't have many UFOs (only two), but I know that if I don't make a commitment they won't be done until 2007! On the needles I have:

Mariah from Knitty. I started it in January and it all was going well until I realized that I had done the sleeves wrong. I put it aside for a couple of months and I picked it up again earlier this month. I redid the sleeves and I'm currently a few rows into the yoke.

Kiri (link to pdf pattern). It's my first big lace project and I'm loving it.

I wish you all good luck with your UFOs!


Boo UFOs. Hooray UFO August.

Here is my list, in my current order of priority:
1. One Skein Pal gift ('s actually crochet)
2. KSKS kit
3. Baby Bib o' Love
4. Baby Kimono
5. Cascade Fixation ankle socks
6. Think Pink scarf
7. Jaywalker # 2
8. Shadow Shawl
9. Clapotis
10. Stripes are Stars V-neck sweater (although I'm thinking seriously about sending this one to the frog pond...I can tell already the fit is going to be wonky).

I'm excited about this "along." A lot of my projects don't need much to be finished...just for me to finish them! I can't wait to see what everyone else is doing.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

My List

Here's my list of UFO's. It isn't terribly long, but I've lost all motivation to work on them and some are quite old.

1.Clapotis - Started in March 05. I'm knitting it with thinner yarnt than called for so it's taking FOREVER to grow.

2.Blue 'N' Brown Stripey Scarf - Started December 04 (eek!). Again, this one is taking forever, this time thanks to making it in double knitting.

3.Ruffles Scarf - Started Marchish 06. No real reason I put this down. I just got caught up in some socks.

4.(Not) Padded Footlets - Started June 06. Maybe not a true UFO, but I'm suffering from serious second sock syndrome here.

Well, there she is. I'm mostly working on my footlets now, when not caught up in my latest reading obsession, but I'll be pulling out the Clapotis very soon. Thanks for the motivation Jeanie!