Monday, September 10, 2007

UFO August Drawing Winner

Hey Everybody -- Sorry about the late post on the drawing! This weekend turned out to be much busier than I expected it to be. BUT. We DO have a winner for the UFO drawing!!! Our winner is The Purloined Letter! Congratulations!!! Please email me with your mailing address and I'll get a copy of Ashley Paiges Sexy Little Knits out to you right away!

Thanks again to everybody who participated in UFO August and don't forget about Two Steps Forward, One Step Back for those who want to keep churning out the FO's!

Also, be looking for another UFO August next summer!

Edited to Add: Hannah was kind enough to remind me that I needed to draw a second name out of the "hat" for a skein of Hill Country Sweet Feet Sock yarn -- I completely forgot about the other prize! So sorry!!! Anyway, the winner of Sweet Feet Sock Yarn goes to Robin! Yeaeaea!!!! Congrats to both of you!

Sunday, September 02, 2007


Well, I must say that UFO August was a HUGE success!!! Just LOOK at how many UFO's were converted to FO's! Me, well I ran into technical difficulties (that's my story and I'm sticking to it!) and only finished one UFO but did work on the others without casting on for anything new until the VERY end when I (sort of had to) cast on for a sock to take with me to a convention. Any way you look at it, as long as we made some progress on some of those pesky UFO's, we're all winners.

Speaking of winners, I need for all who particpated to leave me a comment under THIS post letting me know the totals of how many UFO's you completed during UFO August. I know that many of you already posted this in the blog as a separate post, but if you could re-post it as a comment under this post, it will be much easier for me to get everybody's names entered into the drawing. We'll give everybody a week to post their numbers and then draw two names to give away two prizes. The first prize will be a skein of Sweet Feet sock yarn donated by Hill Country Yarns and the second prize will be Ashley Paige's book, Sexy Little Knits.

We will definitely have another UFO August next year and maybe even try a UFO March so that we can finish up our winter UFO's before plunging into our spring knitting. For now, be sure to check out Manda's Start It Up September for those who are about to cast on for new projects (um, that would be me!). Leave her a comment letting her know you'd like to participate and she'll get you hooked up.

Once again, thank you to all who played along with UFO August and remember, if we worked on any UFO's we're all winners!