Monday, August 07, 2006


I technically finished the Mohair Sweater, but I need to frog a bunch of it. This one's my own pattern, a sleeveless off the shoulder sweater. As such, it needs to be somewhat form-fitting to stay up on its own. The body is nicely fitted, so that's not a problem. The problem is the foldover part. It folds down over the bust area. That part I also made fitted, a little too fitted, as it has some colorwork in it. Big oops when I tried that one on. Since the body is nice and fitted, the foldover can be nice and loose, to show off the colorwork and stitches. So, I need to rip back to the top of the armholes, and re-do.

I finished the knitting of the Mug Rug/Potholder, and as I actually had more yarn than I thought, it is two items, a Mug Rug and a...I'm not sure what they're called...the things you put under pots when you want to put them on the table but they're really hot? One of those. I just need to weave the ends in and block. They show off my first hanspun yarn nicely. The yarn itself is FAR from nice, but it works in these very well.

I still cannot find the stupid yarn for It's a Secret #2, so that, even though it will take less than an hour to finish, is not finished, and will not be finished as I cannot bring myself to go buy an entire skein of yarn that I already own from some internet store as it is not sold near me. Especially when I need about 3 yards of it. And have about 215 out of 223 yards left in my current skein.

I did finally cast on the knitted portion of It's a Secret #3, and realized that I did not copy down a crucial part of the pattern, so had to put down the knitting. I am using an online pattern, and do not currently have internet access on the weekends. I do have quite a bit of it done though!

Pictures once my camera issues have been fixed.


Blogger Kate A. said...

What a great idea to use those first bits of handspun (truly hideous, in my case) for an under-the-pan thingy! Thanks, I'm going to do that!

You have my whole-hearted sympathies on the ripping-out-the-yoke process. I just did that so recently, I really do feel your pain! You'll be so happy when it's done right, though!

11:12 AM  

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