Monday, August 28, 2006

Almost the End!

I'm hoping to have 1-2 more FOs, but here's the list so far:

1) Jaywalkers socks - DONE!


2) To Bobble or Not To Bobble - RIPPED!
3) Ombre Afghan from Last Minute Knitted Gifts - no progress made
4) Co-Worker Baby Afghan - 2 Mitred squares. 46ish left to go.
5) Ribby Cardi - 9 inches into the back piece. 2 fronts & 2 sleeves to go
6) Tempting II - no *measurable* progress made. I knit about 3 rows on it.
7) Lady Eleanor - no progress made
8) Mystery Stole 2006 - no progress made.
9) Plain Socks on 2 Circs - I don’t care if I finish these. I might actually end up ripping them out as well. I’m just feeling the yarn at this point in time. It doesn’t want to be turned into anything right now. RIIIIIIIIIIP!!
10) River Rapids socks - This is what the plain socks on 2 circs turned into.. I'm 3/4 done with the pair, and I hope to have this finished by Thursday, because it counts in 2 other KALs, as well. ;)
Cloth #1: Monthly Dishcloth August KAL Done! (need a pic)
Cloth #2: LSSK Mystery Cloth KAL Done!

M&M Cloth

Cloth #3: Monthly Dishcloth Mid-Month August KAL Decided not to do.


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